Membrorum Machinam

A machine of bones and flesh: The Gliedermaschine

René Descartes, “Méditations sur la philosophie première” (1641)
(Reclam, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-15-002888-9, Latin/German Edition)
Meditatio Secunda, paragraph 5, original latin:

[…] Nempe occurrebat primo, me habere vultum, manus, brachia, totamque hanc membrorum machinam¹, qualis etiam in cadavere cernitur, & quam corporis nomine designabam. […]

english translation (1911 edition of The Philosophical Works of Descartes (Cambridge University Press), translated by Elizabeth S. Haldane):

[…] In the first place, then, I considered myself as having a face, hands, arms, and all that system of members composed on bones and flesh¹ as seen in a corpse which I designated by the name of body. […]

¹ in french: machine composée d’os et de chair; in german: Gliedermaschine, (lit.: limb machine), in a footnote: Maschine aus Knochen und Fleisch (lit.: machine of bones and flesh)